Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sir George-Étienne Cartier

One of the interesting things of Sir George-Étienne Cartier is know how was his life. He was born in St. Antoine on september 6, 1814.  He was an influentional person in his time, and one of leading person. He had 2 daughters and his wife Hortense. Cartier became a candidate for the Conservative Party and this marked the beginning of political career that lasted until his death. He was a lawyer and he always was interested in politics and he charted his own path to business and politics. George- Cartier always showed interested in railways and he said the economy depended of the railways, that's why he pushed this idea to develop the commerce in Montreal. Cartier was well-know at this time because he did many things such as the work toward the establishment in a church- run school system. He was one of the first persons who proposed developing the railways because some people was seeking one solution for the economic problems, and thats why Cartier and Macdonald presented their idea. Cartier participated in the expansion of Canada. He and Macdonald went to London to talk about the Northwest Territories and they got the sum of 1.5 million from the government to Canada.
Cartier died in London by an incurable disease in 1873, and then his wife and his daughters left Montreal and they moved to France. All member of this family are in Notre- Dame- des-Neiges cementery and now the house is a museum where people can go and know about his life and what he did for Montreal.


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